Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen
The PRwiss of the University of Bonn invites you to our
General Assembly on 2 June 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
The location of the meeting will be announced here in good time.
We look forward to meeting you in person again, presenting our work and talking to you about the things that concern YOU. All academic staff at the University of Bonn have the opportunity to find out about current issues, ask questions and express their views at the general assembly. The university management is also invited, which gives you the opportunity to address your points directly to the ‘right place’.
To enable us to take up questions that are currently - or have been for some time - on your mind, please send them to us as soon as possible via email ( or contact us by telephone (see Advice and assistance).
The PRwiss is hoping for active participation, because TOGETHER we can achieve something and make a strong case for your issues.
We would like to point out that in accordance with §47 of the State Staff Representation Act (LPVG)
- the staff meeting takes place during working hours.
- participation does not result in a reduction in pay or remuneration.
We look forward to seeing you,
Your PRwiss team