07. December 2023

Appropriate remuneration for colleagues with civil servant status Appropriate remuneration for colleagues with civil servant status

Submit application before end of 2023

Dear colleagues with civil servant status,

As we did last year, we recommend that you submit an application for "appropriate remuneration" before December 31 of this year (receipt by the university administration) and lodge an objection against the remuneration currently granted to you.

In our opinion, the improvements made in recent years are still not sufficient to guarantee the constitutionally prescribed "appropriate remuneration". If you take the same view, you must lodge an objection with the university administration before the end of this year. Until your objection is upheld, you will have to repeat this every year.

Further details and sample letters of objection can be found here (in german language).





Feel free to distribute this information among the civil servants you know.
Verdi also recommends that pensioners appeal against the amount of their pensions.

Yours sincerely
Your Staff Council for Academic Employees (PRwiss)

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