Staff Council of the Academic Employees at Bonn University
We are colleagues from various fields elected by you, forming a body that represents all academic staff at the University of Bonn. The activities and tasks of the Staff Council are regulated in the NRW State Staff Representation Act (Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz - LPVG NRW1).
The PRwiss pays particular attention to
- promoting the welfare of academic staff at the University of Bonn (public welfare)
- compliance with laws, regulations, tariff agreements, service agreements and administrative orders
- the prevention of accident and health hazards
- the integration and professional development of severely disabled persons and others in need of protection
- We are involved in many working groups and projects to protect your interests.
You can also contact us at any time with questions, suggestions and complaints about your workplace or your work situation. We will be happy to advise you on contractual issues (e.g. questions about fixed-term contracts and pay grades) and in cases of conflict, and will also take action on your behalf if you wish so. Your enquiry is of course subject to our duty of confidentiality.
Give us a call or write to us - we are here for you!
Best regards
Your PRwiss team