13. May 2024

In memory of Dr. Eva van Leewen In memory of Dr. Eva van Leewen

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We remember Eva van Leewen, long-standing Chair of the Staff Council of Academic Employees (PRwiss), who passed away on 16 February 2024.

She would have been 76 years old on 13 May 2024.

Eva van Leewen was Chair of the University's Academic Staff Council until 2013. From April 2009 to July 2013, she was also Managing Director of the Staff Council Conference (LPKwiss) of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Eva van Leewen was very committed as a staff councillor. We will always remember her eloquence and far-reaching expertise in discussions with both the HR department and university management of the University of Bonn and also politicians, ministry representatives and university managements.

Eva van Leewen had a strong influence on the work of the Staff Council and achieved a great deal for her colleagues at the University of Bonn and beyond.

We remember her with deep affection.

Bonn, 13 May 2024

Your colleagues of the PRwiss

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